The Bar

Welcome to the Outlander Club.
Please, have a seat, buy a drink, and relax. Enjoy yourself.
The tabs above will lead you to many opportunities for your enjoyment.
Whatever your reason for coming to the Outlander Club... have fun!

Viewing Screens

These are the viewing screens. In-universe, they are used to watch the latest sports games in order for patrons to place bets on their favorite teams or racers. They look a bit like this blog's header (I wonder why!).

Here, however, these viewing screens are basically a picture gallery. As you can see below, I have already started in with a few pictures that I've made. If you have a picture or two you would like to share with the rest of the Star Wars fanbase visiting The Outlander Club, please post the URLs in the comments. I'll work on getting it onto this page right away.

 A neat little mask I did in Photoshop with a Mythosaur skull and Boba's helmet.

 My installation to the Call Me Maybe meme... it had to be done.

I googled this, and I was surprised nobody had made an instant message joke like this yet. So I made it.

Another mask with the Rebel insignia.

A beautiful Skywalker family montage from Helen at Star Wars Here & There.

A great looking R2 unit blueprint by Helen at Star Wars Here & There.

Screenshot from Knights of the Old Republic. Carth is in the middle, in his spacesuit to make him less annoying. I change him between a Jawa and an Iridonian. I am the Chiss on the left.

The Ebon Hawk from KotOR... in green!


  1. haha! I love the Call Me Maybe one and the IM one! They are hilarious. The Rebel sign and the Boba one are also amazing!

    1. Oh, and here are two urls to two of my favorite pictures I made.,+Fear,+Suffering.jpg

    2. Thanks for those pictures... they're incredible. That Mustafar one is impressive. And I like te simplicity of the R2 unit. Well done!

    3. Thanks! I also am really interested in Photoshop, so I fiddle around with it a lot. :)

      Oh, thank you for following my blog! :D

  2. Cool pictures, the green Ebon Hawk is really good. I think everyone hates Carth, but he is a whiny little pain most of the time.

