The Bar

Welcome to the Outlander Club.
Please, have a seat, buy a drink, and relax. Enjoy yourself.
The tabs above will lead you to many opportunities for your enjoyment.
Whatever your reason for coming to the Outlander Club... have fun!

Vos Gesal Street

The Outlander Club is located on Vos Gesal Street. Vos Gesal Street is located in the Uscru Entertainment District. Thus, the Outlander Club is located in the Uscru Entertainment District. Now, the Outlander Club was located on a lower level of said district. The Galaxies Opera House, seen in Revenge of the Sith when Palpatine tells Anakin of Darth Plagueis.

I will update Vos Gesal Street every few days with a "Club Question." Post your answers, comment on each other's answers, discuss!

Club Question #1: Why didn't Obi-Wan tell Luke the truth about his father from the get-go?

Club Question #2: What is your favorite Star Wars book, and why?

1 comment:

  1. hmm. that's a toughie. i really like Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams,it's kinda complicated but i just love how the author tells us a little about what it is like to be a Sith apprentice, and Republic/Imperial Commando by Karen Travis, just how in-depth the characters are is incredible! her writing style is cool too. If comics count, i would have to say Tag and Bink Were Here. It's so funny! plus i like Knights of the Old Republic. it is so so so so cool! how everything works together is absolutely amazing!
